Welcome Assoc. Prof. Dave Towey from Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China to be the keynote speaker of ICMSSE 2021
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Dave Towey from Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China to be the keynote speaker of ICMSSE 2021

Welcome Assoc. Prof. Dave Towey from Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China to be the keynote speaker of ICMSSE 2021

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Assoc. Prof. Dave Towey

Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Ningbo,  China

Research Area:Software Testing (especially Adaptive Random Testing and Metamorphic Testing); Computer Science Education & Training; Technology–enhancement of Education; Open Educational Resources (OERs).

Brief introduction of your research experience:

Dave Towey received his BA and MA degrees from The University of Dublin, Trinity College; PgCHE from University of Nottingham; PgCertTESOL from The Open University of Hong Kong; MEd from The University of Bristol; and PhD from The   University of Hong Kong. He was the first foreign academic recipient of the   Zhuhai municipal outstanding teacher award, in 2007, and he received the Lord   Dearing award in 2017 for his outstanding contribution to the development of   teaching and student learning. He is currently an associate professor, the   director of teaching and learning, and the deputy head of the School of   Computer Science, which he joined in September 2013. He also serves as deputy   director of the International Doctoral Innovation Centre (IDIC), and as   co-chair of the FoSE Faculty Advisory Taskforce.

After   graduating from The University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dave worked in Japan in the late 1990s, helping develop a breast cancer screening tool using   ultrasound imaging technology and fuzzy reasoning.

After   this, he lived in Hong Kong from 2000 to 2005/2006, where, as well as completing his PhD, he worked at The University of Hong Kong, and as a   teacher and teacher trainer in the local school system.

In   2005, he became involved in a newly created liberal arts college in Zhuhai, Mainland China, the Beijing Normal University – Hong Kong Baptist University United International College (UIC), where he remained until 2013. While at   UIC, he taught modules related to computer science, linguistics, and education. He also held several roles, including deputy director of the English Language Centre, and coordinator (director) of the Teaching English   as a Second Language (TESL) degree programme. In these roles, he oversaw   delivery of a large number of pre-service and in-service training courses and workshops.


Speech Title: Testing Untestable Systems: Metamorphic Exploration and Testing


An important step in the software quality assurance of any software engineering process is the testing of the software. Often this is done to find as many defects as possible before the software is released. Identifying defects through testing involves using a mechanism, called a test oracle, that can identify correct from incorrect behaviour or output. Such a mechanism is not always available or useable, making the associated systems potentially "untestable."

Metamorphic testing has, over its twenty-plus years' history, become a recognised approach to software testing. Its popularity has been growing very rapidly, prompted, partly, by the recognition of its application to test "untestable" systems.

This talk introduces the oracle problem and metamorphic testing. The history of metamorphic testing and the recent exciting developments are presented.